Cat’s Meow: Mrs. Bonham

I interviewed three students about Mrs. Bonham. Mrs. Bonham is a Brit Lit teacher; Brit lit, a class, taken by seniors, is required for graduation. I chose these specific people to interview because I knew they were the right students to voice their opinions about Mrs. Bonham. I also interviewed Mrs. Bonham to get some more information about her. She has worked for the school for about twelve years, her favorite thing about the school is the faculty, and her favorite thing about teaching Brit lit is all the books we read. A fun fact about her is she is a Tennessee fan. My favorite thing about her is how she wants every one of her students to succeed whether they want to or not. At the start of the semester, I was confused about why we were learning about British literature when we weren’t British. After these past couple of weeks, the class has grown on me, and hopefully, the other people in my class feel the same way. Mrs. Bonham is an exceptional teacher, and I hope she gets to stay at Wheeler for a while longer and impact a lot more students.