Staff Spotlight: Maddie Zimmerman
Maddie Zimmerman has been a beloved member of the Wheeler Catalyst Staff for two years. She is a talented journalist who has written and continues to write many fascinating stories about hot topics with enticing detail. She is a pivotal editor in the production of the newspaper here at Wheeler and is well respected by her peers and mentors as a positively goofy person. I personally have had a great time getting to know Maddie, and I know a lot of my fellow newbies have as well. Maddie is an outgoing, compassionate, and helpful person who is very involved in the community and school. She not only plays soccer, but she is also a part of the Wildcat TV team, and she shows love to all her associates there. Her kindness makes her one of the easiest people to get along with and collaborate with. Combine that with her expert penmanship and you have a key member of the Catalyst Staff.

Carie Crowe is a senior, and this is her second year at journalism. She enjoys writing and believe the field of journalism is an incredibly important practice....