Introducing CITA

This is a picture of the new school and its principal proudly representing it.
CITA stands for Cobb Innovation & Technology Academy, a $14.5 million project. This new, immersive school provides students with hands-on learning and career experiences in industries the students are interested in pursuing. Located at 114 Windy Hill Road Marietta, GA 30060, CITA offers an array of courses, for example, Cyber Security, Surgical Technology, Welding, and so much more. These courses align into three different pathways: Maker Industries, Emerging Technologies, and Community and Healthcare Services. What makes CITA so special is that this Academy is tuition-free and is open to all students in the Cobb County School District. Students will have the opportunity to work alongside businesses and gain valuable employability skills for their preferred workplace in the future. Camryn George(12) says “ This is a wonderful opportunity for students not necessarily looking to go to college but still strive to be successful in the workplace.” The school also provides district-wide bus transportation for all its students.
Why is Cobb County just now making a school like this for its students? Making students college- and career-ready has been the goal of secondary institutions nationwide, but why is college-ready different from career-ready? Cobb County wants to prepare all of its students to be productive members of the future workforce. This CTE (Career and Technical Education) program will provide students with the necessary skills they need to be successful in the workforce. “ I can see this being very beneficial if college wasn’t for me or even if I just wanted another skill under my belt.” Braden Mazna(11) In 2013 the CCSD (Child Care Service Division) began the process of opening the CITA, this process consisted of steps. The steps include: Committing to the notion of CTE as a viable model for student success, designing a program that must be rooted in data analysis and local needs assessment, structuring the career academy’s initiatives must begin with establishing a mission, vision, and cohesive branding, CTE programs must appeal to students and parents, and the right team will make or break your program. This is a big step for cobb county. With it being the second-largest school district in Georgia and 25th largest in the nation, tackling the task of providing this to the community grants more rewards than risks for our community. Students can receive industry career certifications, earn free dual credits towards their Associate Degree while attending high school, receive on-the-job training in a career of interest, and have the ability to earn as much as three to five times the minimum wage when they graduate from high school. Mrs. Fedderson explains how “This is really good for the kids and can help many students.”

Applicants interested in applying for the CITA must know there is no need to hesitate in submitting an application based on their grades or previous experiences with other schools. The CITA Application consists of the following sections: Applicant Information, Educational History, and Personal Statment. The application does not include a GPA requirement, Test scores, or behavior. Jazmine Moore(10) “If applying, knowing that the application doesn’t require a test score or a perfect GPA would make the application process a lot less stressful.”
If interested in this amazing opportunity feel free to visit for more information. There are too many benefits to this school to not even consider it. Instead of traditional classrooms, the facility mainly consists of large lab spaces with pathway-related equipment and some flexible spaces. There’s only one high school diploma, but what CITA is doing is taking your electives and focusing on them so you can see what you’re interested in and prepare you to succeed in what’s to come.

Kristen is a senior, and this is her second year of journalism. This year, she is taking on the role of Managing Editor. When she gets older, she plans...