Wheeler Recognizes Maddie Massey as December Student of the Month
December’s “Assured Student of the Month” Award, Maddie Massey (10)
Wheeler is home to many students of phenomenal and exemplary character. Each month, the Wheeler teachers and faculty nominate and recognize a student. This past December, sophomore Maddie Massey was recognized as student of the month. She was nominated by Dr. Batichon and is known for her fantastic personality and drive both in the classroom and on the field. When asked about what made her want to nominate Maddie, Dr. Batichon said, “When they sent out the paperwork asking for someone to nominate a student, she was the first student that popped in my head because of how resilient she is.” While playing in a flag football game last fall, Maddie suffered an ACL injury. Dr. Batichon commented on this saying, “Even though she had a torn ACL, she was still very optimistic while in class. She constantly wanted to help out her peers. You would think because she was going through something that she would kind of be down or only worrying about herself.” This statement really gives a look into Maddie’s character and continuous resilience through hardships. Her flag football coach, Coach Aguillon commented on some of her character traits stating, “She is very funny, which I think brings a team together. She is very motivated and focused.” Other than playing on the flag football team, Maddie is also a member of Wheeler’s softball and soccer teams. One of her teammates Emily Jansen (9) commented on playing with Maddie and said, “She’s always hyping people up and on the field she is always supportive and pushing everyone to do their best. She is a really good leader.” Maddie and Emily play on the varsity softball team together and both are part of what makes the team so great. Though Maddie is out for this soccer season, her peer and soccer teammate Avery Halseth (12) commented on Maddie’s character, “She’s an amazing friend. I play two sports with her and I’m really sad she tore her ACL.” All around, Maddie Massey is only met with good reviews on her ongoing character and drive. While being interviewed about Maddie, each interviewee immediately commented on how hardworking and resilient she is, and that is just a part of what makes her December’s student of the month. Congratulations Maddie!

Abbie is a senior, and this is her second year in journalism. She enjoys learning about different writing styles and current events. She is involved in...