Sports Highlight: Boys Tennis Gearing up for a Great Season
Wheeler tennis is back! The team is full of talent with both returning and new players on the team this year. The head coach of the team is Nicole Ice. She has coached this team for five years. She said that the thing she is most looking forward to this season is, “winning”. Captains Phillip Phanhthourath (12) and Swarat Kulkarni (12) will help her lead the team to the victories this year. When asked about goals for the season, Phillip (12) said, “My goals are to get the team together, get a good lineup, and hopefully make it to state, and go far in state.” His co-captain Swarat has similar goals. He commented, “I hope to do well in state, and also got pretty far since this is our last year.” Both captains have great goals for the season and are prepared to lead an awesome team to state with them. Outside of just playing, the team has also formed great, long-lasting bonds with each other. Dev Patel (11), a third-year player, commented on what he most looks forward to saying, “I think it is the part besides the game with everyone. Just like before games and after games.” Another player, Shayon Odhwani (9), shared what he was most excited for his first year of tennis saying, “Just getting to know my team and playing with them.” Wheeler tennis is putting in the work and all of Wheeler can’t wait to see their success this season. Good luck to the Wheeler Varsity and Junior Varsity tennis teams on their spring 2022 season!!

Abbie is a senior, and this is her second year in journalism. She enjoys learning about different writing styles and current events. She is involved in...