Wheeler Boys Volleyball

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Balls up! The second season of Wheeler Boys Volleyball has begun. Started last year by girls volleyball coach Kelly Feddersen, the boys volleyball program is full of enthusiastic players and devoted coaches. With the short girls season, volleyball fans will be able to root for Wheeler again. Tryouts yielded a great group of players who are passionate about the sport also having fun. “Im really looking forward to connecting with the team,” says returning player Augusto (10). “Last year was super fun and I missed competing for Wheeler.” New players echoed this sentiment of excitement. Lyon Shoenthaler (11) shares, “I’ve been playing club for a while and I’m excited to play with another team.” Senior and first time player Ean Greenlee says, “I think its going to be really fun. The sport is fun and its really easy to connect with the guys on this team. I’m looking forward to our first game [which is] Monday, March 20th.”

Sports fans have expressed their anticipation of the first few games. Alexis Allen (12) claims, “I’ve been looking forward to the season for a long time. Me and my friends like to play volleyball in the parking lot and I’d love to see some professionals do it.” In short, the hype is building. So come out to the first boys volleyball match at home on March 20th!

Carie Crowe is a senior, and this is her second year at journalism. She enjoys writing and believe the field of journalism is an incredibly important practice....