It is Mr. Mcpherson’s second year here at Wheeler High School, and he teaches Intro to Career and Competencies and Intro to Law and Public Safety. His favorite thing about his job is watching his students succeed. He sees this job as neither long-term nor short-term; he states, “I don’t see myself anywhere else but Wheeler High School while I’m in the state of Georgia.” His favorite thing to teach his students is real-world issues and things going on currently in the world, which he mainly covers in his law and public safety class. He would recommend this class to anyone interested in Why law enforcement does what they do and can come into his class seeing both sides.
Gabiela Funez (10) is a student in Mr. Mcpherson’s Intro to Law and public safety class. In three traits, she would describe him as funny, caring, and kind; she says this because he’s good at connecting with his students and knows how to understand them. “Mchpherson knows where his students are coming from; he also doesn’t leave any of his students out,” Funez states.
Nazje Vandike (9) is in Mcpherson’s Intro to Career and Competencies class. Currently, they are learning about customer service and issues that can arise in the field. Vandike describes Mr. McPherson as “understanding, resilient, and has great integrity.” She says this because whenever she needs to talk to him about something, he’s always there with a listening ear, ready to listen to what she has to say. She would recommend this class to anyone willing to learn.
Jasai Jones (12) is in Mchpherson’s Intro to Law and Public Safety class. One thing Mcpherson taught him is if he ever gets arrested, he should always comply and give them the complete upper hand so that he can be free. He would recommend this class to anyone who “flies off the handle quickly” or has anger issues because Mchpherson will put you in check.