On Nov. 7, 2023, Tricia Levenseller’s “Daughter of the Pirate King” series returns with a new addition: “Vengeance of the Pirate Queen”. The series left off with the main protagonist, Alosa Kalliagan, claiming the title of Pirate Queen, concluding a long journey across the first two books. In this new addition, readers see the world through the lens of Sorinda Veshtas, a dear friend and member of Alosa’s crew. She works as an assassin for the team but is shocked when she is assigned to rescue instead of being given a target to kill.

Cr: Macmillan Publisher
The new captivating story, “Vengeance of the Pirate Queen,” follows Sorinda Veshtas and her crew of vengeance. As the team faces deadly obstacles and dangerous waters, the King of the Undersea is accidentally awakened, a being that has the power to control the dead. Their rescue mission quickly turns from a simple rescue mission to a fight to save the world. But Sorinda must keep herself from becoming an undead queen (Goodreads). After the end of the second book, fans thought the series would be over, but this new addition has them questioning whether or not the story truly ends here.
Eleven cover editions have been released, including both US and foreign editions. The US edition features a new colorful cover, matching the recently released special edition covers of the previous two books. It currently sells for $22.49 on Amazon. Fans are already judging the cover for its looks. The human figure on the cover and the difference in angle it contains from the other two books have readers questioning the quality of its contents. But there is hope that new covers will soon be released.

Cr: Macmillan Publisher
“Vengeance of the Pirate Queen” releases on Nov. 7, 2023, expanding the “Daughter of the Pirate Queen” duology into a trilogy.