Mrs. Lewis is a teacher at Wheeler High School. Lewis is a Social Studies teacher and part of the avid team at Wheeler. She genuinely cares about her students and her work. Lewis understands students’ mental health and assures them that their well-being is more important than the work in her class. She has a very warm environment in her classroom. Mrs. Lewis states, “I have open conversations with my students about real-world things; I ensure every student knows my classroom is safe. I also talk to my students like they are human beings.”
Willma Tc’nouamou Mnague (10) said, “When I walk into her classroom, I feel relaxed and comfortable.”
Mrs. Lewis is known for being everyone’s favorite teacher. Students always get excited when they have her as their teacher. Ilan Hawkins (10) says, “I love her random stories she’ll tell in the middle of a lesson and how she’ll get off topic and talk about something random for the rest of class.”
Students in Mrs. Lewis’s class usually get As and Bs because of her teaching. She turns complex content into things students can understand well. “She makes us think critically,” Emma Midation (10) says, “and teaches us how to problem solve, which makes learning easier.
Being in High School is super stressful. It helps to have a teacher to talk to who has real-world experience and knows what they are talking about. For a lot of students, that’s Mrs. Lewis. Sarah Mestrobas (10) said, “She has helped me overcome many obstacles, and I feel like I can talk to her about anything.”
Wheeler High School is so lucky to have Mrs. Lewis as a teacher. She brings so much love and spirit to the school. When talking to old students, they always remember her and say she is a great teacher!