As the academic year of 2024 comes to an end, 18-22 March displays an undeniable buzz of excitement during senior week, when the school bids farewell to seniors in their last weeks as high schoolers.
It’s a time-honored tradition that is the ultimate celebration of the graduating class’s journey through high school. From heartwarming, electrifying events to the giveaway of treats, This Senior week is packed with many highlights that capture the remembrance of their experience. Senior Week highlights.
Aaliyah Francois wanted to dress for the Wake Me Up Before You Go or PJ Day on Monday but remembered after she left the house. She looks forward to wearing her senior shirt on Friday.
This week’s class had been the same, but she said, “Outside the class, I like the treats seniors got this week.” She taught the school’s gesture to organize a senior week, which was delightful. She loved the ice cream she got on Wednesday at lunch and looked forward to a snack and drink on Friday. As a senior who was about to graduate high school, “I would not forget the memories I made in all my classes, especially in journalism, because I loved the class so much that I took the class so many times to become the chief editor.
Matthew Ridele is dressed for the wake me up before you go day on Monday; the senior citizen and the future are bright or the college gear or neon. Matthew was looking forward to wearing his senior shirt on Friday. The ice cream is on Wednesday. He was also looking forward to the wristbands. He said, “Dealing with college and scholarships has taken much of my time, so this senior week made me happy.” He is a sporty person, so he would miss high school, most importantly, wrestling, playing volleyball, the friends he got, the competitions he participated in, and the team’s achievements.
Belinda Brady is mainly dressed for the Wake Me Up Before You Go or the PJ Day on Monday. “I got the donuts on Monday. I did not get the pin on Tuesday, but I got the ice cream on Wednesday at lunch.” She likes donuts because they are her favorite. Belinda looked forward to the shanks and drinks at lunch on Friday. The week I seemed incredible to her. Making it to senior year and having good grades makes her feel accomplished. My band director impacted me the most since I spent most of my time with them.

Diana Anbrid missed a lot of events in high school, like homecoming, prom, and other school events like sports games. The senior week, I made it fun for her to experience all the fun and the treats. “Since I am about to graduate, I have learned to manage my time and responsibilities effectively.” She has been listening to “Pursuit of Happiness” by Kudi Cudi for senior week.
Nancy Rivera would love to dress for the Friday senior shirt. She got donuts from the senior lobby on Monday. She looks forward to dressing out for Friday and having the snacks and drinks on Friday. She said, “I feel proud about all the classes I passed, all the memories I made in those classes, all the clubs I participated in, and all the skills that I learned in high school.” She would miss high school after graduating but would also be happy that the chapter of her life had ended.
To conclude, the senior week ended with a burst as the graduating students cherished their last few weeks in high school. It was the culmination of years of hard work, friendship, and personal growth, making this week unforgettable for many students as they continued their journey.