Christmas has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870, and it is the main event in December for about 85% of Americans. Shopping can begin for lots of people as early as October. But, there are some strong opinions on when Christmas decorations should be put up, considering the holiday of Thanksgiving is so close to December. Holiday lights have been being put up earlier and earlier throughout recent years. With the popularity of plastic Christmas trees overtaking real ones, people can put up and decorate their trees whenever they wish, without having to worry about going to a tree farm/lot and making sure they live till the end of December. Also, modern music streaming services allow people to listen to Christmas music at any time of the year. So, times are changing, and people are conflicted about whether it’s for the better or for worse.
Laurel Cowgill (12) says, “We usually put up our Christmas decorations after Thanksgiving, so like the last weekend of November, and they should not go up before then. Also, listening to Christmas music the day of Thanksgiving or before is criminal.” Suri Coleman (11) has some slightly differing opinions, saying, “The tree usually goes up the day after Thanksgiving, and we don’t usually put the ornaments on until like two weeks before Christmas. Then our outside lights go up on December 1st, though I strongly believe Christmas lights should be a year-round thing. Also, Thanksgiving is the best holiday and should not be overshadowed, so no listening to Christmas music until after.”
Emma Mabry (12) gets very excited for Christmas and loves decorating as early as November 1st! She says, “My family usually puts up our tree mid-November, and over the weekends, we continue to put up more decorations.” Aletta Haff (12) strongly disagrees, saying, “I think it’s stupid when people decorate in November. It is still fall, and Christmas is in the winter. After Thanksgiving is the only time you should start decorating and listening to music.”

Discussions of Christmas lists and the best time to make them and send them out are also common. Suri Coleman (11) says, “I have an Amazon wish list that I just add things to year-round. I used to do that thing where I would try to throw together a spontaneous list the month before, but then I would forget what I actually wanted that year, so then I made an Amazon wish list that also acts as a birthday list.” Laurel Cowgill (12) agrees, saying, “I have one running year-round, but I’ll start editing it again around August or September.”

So, everyone has their own traditions and opinions of when decorating and starting to celebrate Christmas should be. Thanksgiving is a more meaningful holiday to some families rather than others, which makes it the determining factor for when Christmas should start for most people. Modern technologies are also helping fuel this freedom of choice for when trees can be put up and when music can be played. But, most families will continue with the traditions they have had!