Girl Up: A Year in the Making

Wheeler is known for its diverse and unique student population, along with the creative and innovative ideas they bring to the community. There is a variety of sports and clubs Wheeler offers. Basketball, tennis, baking, drawing, robotics; Wheeler has it all. One club made waves in particular this year was Girl Up.

Girl Up is a campaign started by the United Nations Foundation to help girls all over the world have the chance to education, health, and social and economic benefits. So far, some of the projects they have done is the Sticky Note Project. Members of the club wrote positive, inspiring comments and messages on sticky notes and placed them in the girl’s bathroom all around the school. The purpose was to remind fellow classmates–confidence is key and all girls are beautiful. In addition, the club took action in making sure aspiring female athletes were given the same chance to take part in school sports. The club contacted sports advisers to help spread more information about how girls could try out for spring sports being offered at Wheeler. These initiatives that have been taken help promote girl love and equal opportunity.

Behind every movement is the motivation and inspiration in wanting to help others and the desire to be a part of a community of people that can be trusted and become lifelong friends. So, what was the motivation in wanting to join Girl Up?

Sarah McCoy (10) shares, “I thought it sounded like a really a cool way to meet other girls at Wheeler and to talk about things we deal with being in high school.” She goes on to say as far as what she hopes to do for the club and see in the future: “It’d be great, if in the following years the club grows in members and we can reach more girls and do more fundraisers, such as a food drive and maybe a toiletry drive next year.”

Girl Up is a great way to become more involved with fellow and students and meet new people who are probably dealing with a lot of the same feelings and issues as other students. Stephania Castro (10) says, “I wanted to become more involved with my community and I liked the purpose of Girl Up. Also I thought it would be a good experience to work with different female students from Wheeler to help the people, especially women, in our community.”

It’s important that students collectively come together and work towards a common goal or solve an issue that affects everyone in some way or another. Girl Up wants to promote this idea of equality for women and providing the same chances for girls everywhere. In doing so, our society can be a more developed and safer place, and help secure a brighter future for so many people. This club has accomplished so much in the past year and there is so much that students can look forward to in the future.