Tuition-Free College

  Image of People with their student debt

Inside Higher Ed

Image of People with their student debt

Some people may ask what tuition-free college is? Tuition-free college is where the college-level program won’t charge you for your courses. It would be amazing to implement in this country. Also, it would decrease the crippling student debt problem. College prices have skyrocketed. Students are leaving college buried in debt. It stunts their economic growth and hurts their prospects. Student debt is massive, and it could take years to pay off. When Lauwenda Telcide 11 was asked about tuition-free college, her reply was, “Tuition-free college is great. I feel college should be an opportunity everyone believes is in their reach. With costs though, that’s a huge factor on if people know they can go or not.” Free college is a prevalent issue with people, and tuition-free college is becoming ever more appealing to Americans.

A scale weighing money and education (Penn Today UPENN)

Tuition-free college is more then ever becoming a necessity. College tuition prices have been skyrocketing for decades, and it doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon. It also speaks to the level of unfairness in America. As prices climb, higher and fewer people will even get an opportunity to get a higher education. But with, Tuition-free college would make things fairer for less fortunate Americans. Everyone deserves access to higher education, and college these days is becoming more and more necessary. When Catie Crowe (11) was asked, do you believe tuition-free college would level the playing field for less fortunate Americans? Her reply was, “Yes, I do because a lot of the time, the rich get an advantage just because they can afford better education better opportunities so that some of the financial burdens can be lifted.” As you can see, many people believe that there should be more fairness in the education system. Many parts of the education system are filled with expenses. Providing this vital relief to moderate and lower-income families is essential to solving this hot button issue.

Military Poster encouraging military veterans to go back to school ( SVRC UGA)

With every hot topic comes both sides. Some would say Tuition-Free college would cost too much and raise taxes. Others say is it beneficial? Historically, the U.S. economy has reaped the benefits of free education. After World War 2, President Roosevelt sighed the G.I. bill, which gave money to veterans to study at college; this had terrific effects on society. Many college-educated veterans went on to buy homes and cars and help the economy thrive. America was at one of its most prosperous times, and this program had contributed to that. When I asked Annika Mehta, 11 do you think free college should be a thing, her response was, “Yes, it should be free. Because it is important to have a right to get educated and financial issues should not get in the way.” This issue has a solid following.
If the U.S. government Made College Tuition accessible would also fundamentally encourage more people to attend, increasing the educated population. A more educated population benefits the economy. More people in the workforce have college educations, which means they have a better chance of getting a good-paying job. That could lead to increased consumer culture and money circulating in the economy. For the government, they can gain more revenue. So it would be a positive thing for the economy and the country. When Funmi Ogunsola was asked Do you think tuition-free college would benefit America or hurt it? Her response was, “I believe tuition-free college would benefit America in the long run. You are in a society where you’re forced to go to college, and many people who get out of college are still in debt. With tuition-free college and canceling student debt in general, I think it will benefit America.” Furthermore, the belief that tuition-free college should be a viable option in the American education system is visible among the up and coming generations.