Spring Break has passed, and everyone has returned to school and is ready to learn. Over break, some students may have even traveled to places within, around, or outside of Georgia. Whether to visit family, see the sights, or whatever other reasons. Everyone travels to places in Atlanta to see places like the Georgia Aquarium, Coca-Cola Museum, Atlanta Botanical Garden, and Zoo Atlanta. They go to Marietta like Marietta Square. Outside of Georgia, they might visit places in our neighboring states, like Orlando, Florida, to go to Disney World, Universal, and LEGOLAND. They might visit Nashville or the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee. Some might not even see any attractions or visit friends to hang out and keep in touch outside school.
Even going out of the country is an option as people like to take advantage of having the week off to visit places they have never been before or to visit family and friends. The students might visit places warmer than Georgia, such as the Bahamas, Mexico, Hawaii, and many other areas worldwide.
“My plans for spring break were applying for scholarships and hanging out with my friends. I went to local places but not out of state. The best places to go would be theme parks and places that offer activities because they are more fun and interactive. My dream vacation would be to an island where I have never been before so I can interact with the animals there,” Kiara Speights (12th) said.
Kayla Davis (12th) said, “I planned on doing college tours. I think the best place to go on vacation, especially during spring break, is outside the country, somewhere warmer like Hawaii or the Bahamas. On previous spring breaks, I went down to Savannah, and we went to the beaches down there. Places I’ve been on vacation before; I’ve been to Jamaica, so my family likes to go to warmer places in the spring and the summer.”

Sydney Francis (12th) said, “Over spring break, I went to New York cause my mom was born and raised in Brooklyn, so I got to stay with some family and spend time with them. I also got to take the subway for the first time and go to Manhattan. I went to this wax museum called Madame Tussauds, and I also went to the Museum of Broadway. When I got home, I spent time with my friends and relaxed. I had some stuff to do for school, but it was still pretty relaxing. I went over to my friend’s house over spring break because it was her 18th birthday, so we had a little picnic in her backyard and then hung out for a bit. I would love to go back to New York because it was amazing, and it would be cool to see an actual Broadway show, but other than that, probably somewhere out of the country because I have never been out of the country, so somewhere like London or something, that would be cool.”
With spring break over, students will think of plans for the next upcoming break and summer vacation for the next time school starts. They’ll move up to the next grade or have graduated and moved on to the next stage of life, whether college or a job. But they will undoubtedly be thinking about what they want to do during the next break or planning to take a vacation.