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The Student News Site of Wheeler High School

The Catalyst

The Catalyst

Morgan Hughes

Morgan Hughes, Staff Writer

Morgan Hughes, also known as Mrs. Kyrie Irving, is a current senior. She has a shy personality until she gets to know you, then she becomes an outgoing ball of energy. Her style is “very laid back yet urban and hip.” She wishes to travel all around the world, specifically to the islands. She says that “Lil Baby is THE baby,” and she agrees that Ross and Rachel were on a break. If she were to be on any tv show, she would be on “Proud Family,” and would be Penny Proud. One annoying habit Morgan has is her sarcastic attitude, she always has a sarcastic statement to say.

All content by Morgan Hughes

Homecoming Festival

Morgan Hughes, Staff Writer
October 9, 2018
Ashton Lansdell

Ashton Lansdell

Morgan Hughes, Staff Writer
September 6, 2018
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