Girls’ Lacrosse Team
Girls’ Lacrosse Team
Wheeler High School’s girls’ lacrosse team is preparing for a successful season. With a roster of talented athletes and dedicated coaches, the team is determined to take on their opponents and come out on top.
Vachan Patel (12), a long-time supporter of Wheeler’s sports teams, expressed his enthusiasm for the girls’ lacrosse team. “I am very excited to see the girls destroy other teams,” he said. “They have been practicing hard, and I know they are ready to compete.”
Vachan Patel (12) and a friend
The team’s star mid-fielder, Lauren Murray (12), echoed Patel’s sentiments. “Our girls have worked tirelessly to improve their skills and develop their teamwork,” she said. “We have a strong group of leaders on the team who have set high expectations for themselves and their teammates.”
Murray noted that the team would be focusing on communication and strategy during practices in order to execute their plays effectively during games. “Our goal is to be one cohesive unit on the field,” she said.
Lakshmi Valliyapan (12), another starter, said that she was confident in her team’s abilities. “We have a lot of talent on this team, and we all have the same goal – to win,” she said. “We’re going to come out strong and give it our all in every game.”
Lakshmi Valliyapan (12) and her best friend
With the support of their coaches, fans like Patel, and their own determination, Wheeler’s girls’ lacrosse team is poised for a winning season.

Aryan is a junior, and this is his first year of journalism. He wanted to take this class to explore a possibility of a career in creative writing. His...