Coach’s Corner: Coach Ward
I did a fluff piece on Coach Cameron Ward. He is the head coach of the Wheeler swim and dive team and has coached for Wheeler high school since 2008. Coach Ward is the head coach and Coach Bliss is the assistant coach. Mr. Ward teaches Latin and Ms. Bliss teaches Computer Science. I interviewed four people on the team about coach Ward and how they like him and what they think about his coaching at meets and practices. I interviewed Vann Flowers, Mattie Fannin, and Ansley Young about the high school team. I got a middle school view from Max Garrett because Coach Ward also coaches the East Cobb Middle School team for sixth through eighth graders. I got views from four students about how Coach Ward coaches and why everyone likes him at meets and how he runs practices. Coach Ward talked to me about his plans for the season and how he thinks the team will place in the county and in the state this season. He talked about the new depth of swimmers the team will have and how we need more divers. I enjoyed writing this fluff piece as I am on the swim team and enjoy learning more about the Wheeler Swim and Dive team.

Mackenzie is a senior, and this is her second year of journalism. She highly enjoys writing and interviewing people around the school. After high school,...